Brand New Blog

While this blog is brand new, blogging is not for me. I blogged on and off (more off in recent years) since the fall of 2006. Good times and my blog really fit me. For a time. I’ve been wanting to blog again, but I could just never get in the groove. I began to feel that a lot had changed since my early blogging days and maybe it was time for a fresh start. So I’ve been writing material which could become blog posts while waiting for a new blog name. Somehow, the naming of a blog seems to be the hardest part for me. Even my other blog wasn’t started for some time for lack of a name.

western NEI recently took a road trip with my sister, niece, and Caleb for volleyball nationals in Minneapolis. I did most of the driving because I love to drive and am good with being the driver. My sister has to drive a lot in normal life and she’s good with being not the driver. On our way home, driving west across Nebraska, we had a patch of where we were both just super tired. Hard-to-keep-your-eyes-open tired. Found the next rest stop and got out for some air and leg stretching. I knew I needed some eye drops for these dry, tired eyes. I also remembered that I had a package of cherry Pop Rocks in my bag, so I pulled those out.

Pop Rocks are so much fun. How can anyone have Pop Rocks in their mouth and NOT have a blast?

It turned out that the answer for wide-awake driving was Pop Rocks and eye drops. Who knew?

Pop Rocks and Eye Drops seemed to be the one name that keeps coming up and I’m tired of writing in Evernote for a non-existent blog, so here we are. New day, new blog, and we’ll see where this goes. If you’d like to learn more about me than you may ever want to know, click the About tab up at the top. Enjoy!